Building Performance Standards
Resource Libarary

Explore our curated collection of Builiding Performance Standards Resources to help policy makers create meaningful standards and building owners effectively understand and implement them.
University of Central Florida

Top 10 Checklist: Energy-Efficient Buildings for the Southern United States

Although commercial and institutional buildings vary greatly from one to another in size, use, and type of construction, there are general recommendations for creating energy-efficient commercial buildings in a hot and humid climate.

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A New Framework for Cracking the Nut of Existing Buildings

an essential reference guide developed from the real-world experience of cities at the forefront of advanced building policy. It breaks down both the basics and the intricacies of BPS for existing buildings and how to engage community throughout the process, from establishing goals to implementing policy.

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The Next Step in Building Benchmarking Policies

Is your juristiction adopting a Performance Standard? Heres what to do.

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Procedure for Measuring and Reporting Commercial Building Energy Performance

This document from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) establishes a standard method for monitoring and reporting on the energy performance of commercial buildings.

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