Building Performance Standards
Resource Libarary

Explore our curated collection of Builiding Performance Standards Resources to help policy makers create meaningful standards and building owners effectively understand and implement them.

Climate Impacts of Building Performance Standards: Measuring the Pathway to Net-Zero

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University of Central Florida

Top 10 Checklist: Energy-Efficient Buildings for the Southern United States

Although commercial and institutional buildings vary greatly from one to another in size, use, and type of construction, there are general recommendations for creating energy-efficient commercial buildings in a hot and humid climate.

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Data-Driven, Strategic Energy Management

U.S. Department of Energy webpage on strategic energy management and retro-commissioning of commercial buildings

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Building Performance Standards Funding Resources

State and local governments seeking to fund their Building Performance Standards programming and support building owners and operators with compliance need to understand the funding opportunities available to support this effort. The DOE has a list of funding streams to help with a variety of tasks related to BPS, from technical assistance to building upgrades themselves.

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Urban Green Council

NYC Building Emissions Law Summary

This document provides a summary of NYC Local Law 97, which sets carbon caps for certain buildings starting in 2024. The document gives hightlight of the law, the impact it will have, and the timeline.

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BPS Needs Assessment

This needs assessment provides the industry needs to establish and implement the BPS from the market perspective.

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Asset Score

This tool assesses the energy efficiency of a building’s physical systems and produces an Energy Asset Score report.

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ComStock and ResStock

ComStock and ResStock are building stock-level diagnostic tools. States, municipalities, utilities and manufacturers can use them to identify high-impact improvements and make better program decisions.

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LEED and Building Performance Standards: Working Together to Support Sustainable and Low-Carbon Buildings

Building performance standards are a promising approach aiming to achieve a highly effective, long-term, technology-neutral method to improve building performance. This brief explores the power and potential of performance mandates to make transformational changes in building performance, and the relationship between green buildings and BPS.

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Better Buildings – Benchmarking and Building Performance Standards: A Resource Compendium

The U.S. DOE Better Buildings has put together a list of resources to help navigate tools and procedures for tracking, reporting, and compliance with benchmarking and building performance standards.

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Building Energy Audit Template

This is an online portal which cities can use to collect standardized information about a building’s physical systems and recommended upgrades. Auditors use the mobile-friendly interface to submit data.

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Standard Energy Efficiency Data (SEED) Platform™

This tool is a central database for city BPS data that merges information from Portfolio Manager, Audit Template, and other city datasets in one place.

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