Building Performance Standards
Resource Libarary

Explore our curated collection of Builiding Performance Standards Resources to help policy makers create meaningful standards and building owners effectively understand and implement them.

Mandatory Building Performance Standards: A Key Policy for Achieving Climate Goals

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Sustainable Energy Action

A Checklist for Building Owners Considering Solar Energy

If you're the owner of a residential or commercial building, use this guide to help decide if solar energy is right for you.

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Sustainable Energy Action

EMPOWERED Solutions: Commercial Building Electrification Pathways

Explore commercial building decarbonization and clean energy solutions in this free webinar.

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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A Guide to Energy Audits

A report outlining what an energy audit is and how they can be used to improve the performance of a building.

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Commercial Building Incentives: Programs for new construction and upgrades in the Inflation Reduction Act and other recent federal laws

A report outlining programs and tax incentives funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

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North American SEM Collaborative

Learn about strategic energy management initiatives across the country

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Resources for the Future

Leading by Example: Building Performance Standards for Decarbonizing Federal Buildings

This report considers the options for implementing a building performance standard across a broader scope of buildings and geography than a single city or state: federally owned or leased buildings, which comprise 1 billion square feet across the country.

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Resources for the Future

Building Performance Standards: Lessons from Carbon Policy

This report assesses the various tradeoffs and challenges of designing building performance standards (BPS) in order to facilitate compliance and promote cost-effectiveness.

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C40 Knowledge

Boston: Engaging communities on inclusive building policies

The City of Boston's 2019 Climate Action Plan (CAP) update identified high-priority strategies to accelerate progress toward the goal of making carbon neutral by 2050.

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C40 Knowledge

Portland: Closing the racial justice gap through building policy

The City of Portland has an ambitious commitment to be fossil-free by 2050 through its 100% Renewable Energy Resoultion, and the city is also a signatory to the C40 Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration.

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Toronto's Green Will Initiative: Driving climate action in private commercial buildings

The Green Will Initiative creates a coalition of commercial building owners, propoerty managers and other stakeholders who are committed to addressing greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto's buildings.

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LEED and Building Performance Standards: Working Together to Support Sustainable and Low-Carbon Buildings

Building performance standards are a promising approach aiming to achieve a highly effective, long-term, technology-neutral method to improve building performance. This brief explores the power and potential of performance mandates to make transformational changes in building performance, and the relationship between green buildings and BPS.

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© 2022 The Center For Building Performance Standards