Building Performance Standards
Resource Libarary

Explore our curated collection of Builiding Performance Standards Resources to help policy makers create meaningful standards and building owners effectively understand and implement them.

Benchmarking and Building Performance Standards Policy Toolkit

This toolkit from the EPA is meant to support jurisdictions seeking to decarbonize their building stock through policy. The toolkit includes four sections, each with their own focus: an overview of benchmarking and transparency, an overview of building performance standards (BPS), coordination of benchmarking and BPS for state and local governments, and data access. EPA staff encourages policymakers and other relevant players to get in touch for support - particularly concerning data access and Portfolio Manager use in BPS.

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Benchmarking Policies and Building Performance Standards: EPA Resources

This landing page includes resources for developing benchmarking policies and building performance standards (BPS), including guidance for getting started and considering complementary policies, as well as technical assistance for benchmarking policies, utility data access, setting goals and evaluating impacts, and developing BPS frameworks, metrics, and targets.

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Recommended Metrics and Normalization Methods for Use in State and Local Building Performance Standards

This document describes EPA's recommendations for building performance standards (BPS) metrics to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it discusses normalization methods for these metrics, and outlines future resources EPA will produce to support BPS policy design and implementation.

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Building Performance Standards Funding Resources

State and local governments seeking to fund their Building Performance Standards programming and support building owners and operators with compliance need to understand the funding opportunities available to support this effort. The DOE has a list of funding streams to help with a variety of tasks related to BPS, from technical assistance to building upgrades themselves.

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White Paper on Understanding and Choosing Metrics for Building Performance Standards and Zero-Carbon Recognition

This white paper provides a framework and supporting analysis to help policymakers and commercial and multifamily building stakeholders understand the key differences among performance metrics and choose those best suited to building performance standard policies. The paper also proposes a complementary zero-carbon building recognition.

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C40 Knowledge

Boston: Engaging communities on inclusive building policies

The City of Boston's 2019 Climate Action Plan (CAP) update identified high-priority strategies to accelerate progress toward the goal of making carbon neutral by 2050.

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C40 Knowledge

Portland: Closing the racial justice gap through building policy

The City of Portland has an ambitious commitment to be fossil-free by 2050 through its 100% Renewable Energy Resoultion, and the city is also a signatory to the C40 Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration.

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Developing Performance Standards

While performance elements tell employees what they have to do, the standards tell them how well they have to do it. The first article in this series defined and reviewed the characteristics of critical, non-critical, and additional performance elements. This article reviews the principles of writing good standards that can be used effectively to appraise employee performance of those elements.

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Asset Score

This tool assesses the energy efficiency of a building’s physical systems and produces an Energy Asset Score report.

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ComStock and ResStock

ComStock and ResStock are building stock-level diagnostic tools. States, municipalities, utilities and manufacturers can use them to identify high-impact improvements and make better program decisions.

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Berkely Lab

Building Performance Standards Technical Assistance

Building Performance Standards (BPS) are a key policy mechanism to significantly and speedily reduce the energy use and emissions of existing buildings. BPS is primarily being implemented by cities and states, as a means to reach their climate goals. Policymakers in cities planning a BPS are grappling with a host policy design questions

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Better Buildings – Benchmarking and Building Performance Standards: A Resource Compendium

The U.S. DOE Better Buildings has put together a list of resources to help navigate tools and procedures for tracking, reporting, and compliance with benchmarking and building performance standards.

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